Guided Implant Surgery

Since many people consider dental implants a reliable, permanent solution for their missing teeth, we use advanced technology to make the surgery as accurate, safe, and painless as possible. With guided implant surgery, we’ll be able to place your new teeth more precisely, making for a faster recovery and a beautiful-looking smile!

How Does Guided Implant Surgery Work?

The first step of guided implant surgery is using cone beam 3D imaging to have a more detailed view of your oral tissues and determine the best place to fix your new teeth. Then, we make a customized surgery plan and use specialized software to design a natural-looking crown we’ll position over your implant. Once we’re done, you'll enjoy a durable smile that won’t trouble you with infections, dental problems, or an uncomfortable recovery.

How Are Traditional and Guided Implant Surgery Different?

Even though both procedures let you fully enjoy the benefits of dental implants, guided surgery uses innovative technology to place your implants in a more accurate position. When you only need one implant, neighboring teeth make it easier to determine the perfect place for the fake tooth.

However, if you’re missing several natural teeth, the human eye might not be enough to figure out where the implant should go. Guided implant surgery gives us a more thorough look into your jaw and mouth, helping us make a more informed decision when we position your implant.

Benefits of Guided Implant Surgery

Dental implant surgery already has a very high success rate, but when this procedure is guided, that percentage is even higher. Since we get a more comprehensive view of your oral tissue during the intervention, the procedure is not as invasive, and there’s less risk of infection during and after surgery. Once you’ve fully recovered, you’ll get to make full use of your new teeth and experience their benefits, such as:

Looking for Guided Implant Surgery in Miami?

If you’ve been turning a blind eye to your missing teeth because you didn’t trust oral surgery, Best Dental Care is here to help. Thanks to the technology we use during guided implant surgery, you’re in for a quick recovery and effective results. Contact our team today to learn how we can help!

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